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February 02, 2025


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America First Party of Mississippi
Responds to Rev. Donald Wildmon

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But our Flag still stands for freedom. It cries out amidst the apathy, the cynicism and despair: “Once More, To the Fight!” Our Flag is no mere frivolous pennant, no gaily colored scrap of cloth to decorate our festivals, to be lightly disposed of when our foes raise objection.

For our Flag stands for Something. That is the purpose of the flag of any nation or people or cause. Since time immemorial, it has been understood that an attack upon a flag is an attack upon what it stands for and the nation and people it represents.

That is why soldiers give their lives to save their flag from disgrace. That is why a patriot runs to fetch up his fallen flag when the enemy strikes down its bearer on the field of battle. The enemy attacks the Flag because it hates what the Flag stands for.

Make no mistake about it: the fight to destroy our Flag is all about hatred--hatred for what our Flag stands for, hatred for the Patriots who fought to defend its honor, hatred for all of us who still defend its cause today.

Examine those who are in the vanguard of opposition to our State Flag, and you will find enemies of the Constitution and lovers of big government, its beneficiaries, and its promoters. No wonder they hate our Flag; they hate the liberty it stands for, and the Constitution which would restrain their tyranny.

But most of all, they hate our Flag because it screams rebellion against their alien government. It once incited courageous Southern patriots to fight and die for freedom and the rule of law. Flag opponents fear most of all that, one day, it may do so again.
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