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March 10, 2025


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America First Party of Mississippi
Responds to Rev. Donald Wildmon

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People yearning to be free around the world understand what our Flag represents. When the oppressed citizens of Eastern Europe rose up and overthrew their Communist masters, it was the Confederate Battle Flag those rebels raised against their oppressors. When the Berlin Wall came crashing down, it was the St. Andrew’s Cross that flew over the liberated people.

All around the world, men and women who love freedom understand that our Flag stands for rebellion against tyranny. Our Flag is waved by proud people who will not be easily cowed into a slavery imposed by an illegitimate and alien government.

The defeat of the South at war affected not only those patriots who gave their lives for a cause in that place and time--it also struck a mighty blow against those enduring ideals for which our Flag stands. The deepest wound our nation suffered was not the quarter million men butchered by Federal troops as they defended their homes; it was the de facto repudiation of Constitutional government by the public and governmental institutions.

That defeat continues to bear its bitter fruit, for with every year that passes, government grows larger and more rapacious, regulations increase, the noose of slavery through taxation grows ever tighter, and morality and decency and honor in government slip further from our grasp.

This slow decay in our nation’s body politic continues apace, and it does not seem to matter whether Republicans or Democrats are in charge. Year by year, our liberty is taken from us. Few stand for righteousness; few fight for the rule of law; no one of any importance or influence takes seriously the call to roll back tyranny and restore our freedom.
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