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March 10, 2025


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America First Party of Mississippi
Responds to Rev. Donald Wildmon

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Dr. Wildmon points out, and quite rightly too, what a shame it is that all the energy and righteous indignation arrayed against the State Flag are not being channeled into more critical issues, such as the struggle to stop the killing of babies through abortion.

The Reverend Dr. Wildmon fails to recognize the irony: by and large, the movers and shakers in the anti-Flag movement are one and the same the advocates of baby killing -- supporters of big government, and betrayers of Constitutionalism.

For the long, bitter road down into the valley of the shadow of Roe v. Wade must needs first pass over the mutilated corpse of the Constitution and the rule of law, and everything else our State Flag stands for. The way inside every abortion clinic in this bloody land of ours lies across the trampled and shredded remnants of the St. Andrew’s Cross and what it represents. Our Nation’s tragic march toward state-sponsored genocide of the unborn began, as the poet so aptly phrased it, the night they drove Old Dixie down.

The only hope for a renaissance of liberty in our nation rests in rallying our poor, tired, and disillusioned people to the cause of Constitutional government, hoisting our Flag high in fierce pride, and fighting with all our might and our courage under that banner to restore what it stands for now and forever.

Our Flag stands for that which we hold dear, the hope of liberty and justice in our society. That is why we must never surrender our Flag.
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