Resolution of the Reform Party of Mississippi
of Respect and Support for the Confederate Battle Flag
the Reform Party of Mississippi advocates and pursues the restoration of the
Constitutional Republic which our forefathers established; and
the Federal Government has usurped the authority of the sovereign States, and
trampled the God-given rights of the People; and
our Southern forebears fought with great honor and bravery to defend
Constitutional Liberties and the Freedom of the People of Mississippi, against
overwhelming forces of Federal tyranny and oppression; and
the Confederate battle flag, Saint Andrews Cross of blue, trimmed in white, set
with thirteen stars, all upon a field of red, was the Standard around which rallied
countless brave Patriots of the State of Mississippi, and before which so many
laid down their lives in defense of family, freedom, and honor; and
there have arisen of late persons both malignant and unlearned who would debase
our Flag and soil the honor of Patriots long laid to rest for a cause honorable
Mississippians still hold dear;
That this Party acknowledges
that Flag stands as a reminder of those qualities of
fidelity, loyalty, honor, and bravery in the Hearts of Patriots present and
gone, qualities that our nation and our people so desperately need in these
days of danger and dissension; and
That this Party promotes
that Flag as a Symbol of those values, which we seek to
encourage in ourselves, our families and our friends, and recommend to our
fellow man; and
That this Party
holds high
that Flag as a rallying Standard for restoration of
Constitutional government, and as a Battle Pennant against Federal tyranny and usurpation;
That this Party follows gladly
in the proud footsteps of our forebears who fought
under that Flag, and who knew what it meant to stand up to violence and
oppression and wrong at any cost; and
this Party beseeches Almighty God
, that He grant to us both the will and the
courage to live and to act in a manner worthy of that Flag and the Patriots who
fought for it; and
That this Party objects strongly
to all efforts to expunge that Flag from the flag
of the State of Mississippi, or to prohibit or discourage its proud display
upon our public property and state buildings; and
That this Party opposes vigorously,
and dedicates its resources to battle against any
attempt to remove that Flag from its position of honor, reverence, and
respect in the State of Mississippi.