America First Party of Mississippi
Executive Committee Meeting
August 13, 2005

The meeting of the Executive Committee of the America First Party of Mississippi was called to order by Vice-chairman Trey Golmon at 6 p.m. CDT on August 13, 2005 at Primos Café in Flowood, Mississippi. Present were Vice-chairman Trey Golmon, Treasurer John Hey, and Secretary John Goodman.

Mr. Hey led in prayer.

Ryan Walters submitted his resignation as Chairman. His resignation was unanimously accepted by the committee.

John Goodman nominated Trey Golmon as Chairman. The nomination was seconded and approved by unanimous vote.

The party membership forms were discussed. It was suggested that we accept the national membership form in lieu of the state membership form. John Hey moved to authorize the Party to accept the national AFP membership form, and to adopt a similar form customized for Mississippi as the forms required for membership as referred to in the Party Bylaws. The motion was seconded and adopted unanimously.

Mr. Hey moved the Party send out the annual membership form demand notices immediately, as provided for in Article III Section 1(3) of the Party Bylaws. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

Mr. Golmon moved the acceptance of the minutes of the July 20, 2002 meeting of the Executive Committee. The motion was seconded and accepted by unanimous vote.

Mr. Hey delivered the Treasurer's report. The current bank balance is $290.03.

A recruiting mail-out was discussed. A letter from the chairman, a membership form, and other materials in the mail-out packet were all suggested. Two brochures and a bumper sticker will also be included in the packet. Mr. Golmon suggested we ask for money. Mr. Golmon moved to authorize a mailing of the packet to 120 prospects soliciting membership. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

Mr. Golmon moved the repeal of the provision of the bylaws requiring public notice of the state convention. The motion was seconded and adopted by unanimous vote. This change must be submitted to the Secretary of State's office as required by law.

The national convention was discussed. It will probably be held in Cincinnati, Ohio in mid-November 2005. The state convention should be held before the national convention. Mr. Golmon is to check for sites for the state convention.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:07 p.m. CDT.

Respectfully submitted,

John Allan Goodman