Reform Party of Mississippi
Executive Committee Meeting
May 18, 2001

The meeting of the Reform Party of Mississippi was called to order by Chairman Trey Golman at 7:00PM CDT on May 18, 2001 at Central Independent Baptist Church.

John Hey led us in prayer.

Roll Call

Members present: Trey Golmon, Chairman, John Hey, National Committeeman; Ryan Walters, Vice-Chairman, John Goodman, Treasurer, Lisa Hinson, Secretary.

Members absent: none

Officer Reports

The minutes of the September 4, 2000 were reviewed. The minutes were read and approved. The minutes of December 9, 2000 were reviewed. The minutes were read and approved.

John Goodman gave the treasurer's report. There is $17.76 in the bank account. The report was discussed. The report was read and approved.

General Discussion

The dismissal of Keith Johnson was discussed. No action was taken.

The Southern Conservative Conference will be August 3-4, 2001 at Central Independent Baptist Church. The RPMS plans to have a presence there.

John Goodman mentioned changing the Reform Party name to the Conservative Party. That will be decided at a state convention.

County organizing efforts were discussed. Jones and Rankin Counties were discussed in getting executive committees. Lee and Leflore Counties have county executive committees. John Hey reported on the Leflore County executive committee.

Trey Golmon wants to have a mailout on the flag petitions. There will also be a cover letter asking for more signatures.

Fundraising Discussion

Merchandising was discussed. Buttons, bumper stickers and mugs for sale were discussed. Yard signs were discussed. The problem is distributing the signs and other merchandise.

A dinner was discussed for fund-raising. Ryan Walters' uncle has a catering service in Laurel.

Platform assignments were discussed. John Goodman will write on taxes. John Hey will write on the Second Amendment. Ryan Walters will work on tariffs and imports. Lisa Hinson will write on freedom of speech. Trey Golman will write on entitlements.

Officer assignments were given.

General Information and Announcements

The Reform Party convention is in Nashville, Tenn. July 26-29, 2001.

The next meeting is tentatively set for July 14, 2001.

The meeting adjourned at 9:00PM CDT.

Respectively submitted,

John Goodman