Reform Party of Mississippi
Executive Committee Meeting
April 10, 2002

Pursuant to Section 4.7 of the Bylaws, the following actions were taken by circulation of written resolutions, and adoption of each resolution by written consent by the entire membership of the Executive Committee.

Roll Call

Members present: Ryan Walters, Chairman; Trey Golmon, Vice Chairman; John Hey, Treasurer; John Goodman, Secretary; Phil Carnaggio, National Committee Member

Members absent: none.

Resolutions Regarding Party Affiliation

Mr. Walters proposed the following Resolution:

Resolution of Disaffiliation from the RPUSA

Whereas, the Reform Party of Mississippi (hereinafter, "RPMS") is a sovereign state political party affiliated with the Reform Party of the United States of America (hereinafter, "RPUSA"); and

Whereas, the RPMS is recognized by the RPUSA as its official and sole State Party Organization (hereinafter, "SPO") in the State of Mississippi; and

Whereas, the RPMS is entitled by right to representation on the RPUSA National Committee and at the RPUSA National Conventions, such right having been guaranteed by the RPUSA Constitution; and

Whereas, the RPMS has given of its best to the RPUSA, and has faithfully supported the RPUSA both monetarily and with volunteer support; and

Whereas, the RPMS has sacrificed on behalf of the RPUSA in supporting the RPUSA nominees and ensuring that the RPUSA nominees were placed on the ballot as the Reform Party ticket; and

Whereas, the RPMS has supported the National Chairman with its public support, votes, and lobbying on his behalf; and

Whereas, the RPMS has been repaid by the National Chairman with abuse and contempt, having its National Committee members suspended and its members attacked; and

Whereas, the National Chairman has appointed as his so-called "Credentials Chairman" a person who has publicly schemed for over two years to expel the Reform Party of Mississippi from the RPUSA; and

Whereas, the National Chairman has entered into a conspiracy with others to deprive the RPMS and its members of all their rights under the RPUSA Constitution; and

Whereas, all these actions against the Reform Party of Mississippi have interfered with the Party's active support for our party's principles and vigorous fight to regain our country's freedom and restore the Constitution;


That the continued association of the RPMS with the RPUSA is injurious to the goals and operations of the RPMS;

That the continued affiliation of the RPMS with the RPUSA unnecessarily exposes the RPMS and its members to attack and aggravation;

That it is in the best interests of the RPMS and the goals and purposes to which its members have pledged themselves, that the affiliation with the RPUSA be terminated immediately;

That, pursuant to Article I Section 3 of the RPMS Bylaws, the Reform Party of Mississippi hereby formally dissolves its ties and affiliation with the Reform Party of the United States of America, such disaffiliation becoming effective on and after April 15, 2002.

That the RPMS State Chairman be, and hereby is authorized to file a copy of this resolution with the National Chairman and the National Secretary of the Reform Party of the United States of America.

The Resolution was seconded by Mr. Golmon, and adopted unanimously.

Mr. Walters proposed the following Resolution:

Resolution of Affiliation with the America First National Committee

Resolved, that pursuant to the authority granted by Article I Section 3 of the Reform Party of Mississippi Bylaws, the Executive Committee hereby authorizes the affiliation of the RPMS with the America First National Committee, from and after April 15, 2002, and instructs its officers and national committee members to do all things necessary and proper to effect the founding of, and affiliation with, said America First Party and its national committee.

The amendment was seconded by Mr. Hey, and adopted unanimously.

This concluded the business of the Executive Committee.

Respectfully submitted by
John Pittman Hey